The Show Must Go ON/OFF-line: “A Third Theatrical Reform?”

Green Thursdays - a cycle of international, online discussions - episode 2. / 22. 10. 2020 15.00-17.00 CET
There’s much more to digital culture than the mere recording of theatre productions. Globalisation and the internet have already transformed our perception of “being together.” In the digital boom, people share not only the physical spaces in which they find themselves, but the entire online space. How do European theatre artists and theorists work with digitality? Is it enough for twenty-first-century theatre to think globally and act locally? Join us for a discussion of all things digital, from everyday tools like Zoom through the use of VR and technology in contemporary productions to theatre as a site of informed resistance to corporate techno-optimism.
Marcus Lobbes / DE, theatre director and set designer
Matěj Nytra / CZ, theatre dramaturgist, HaDivadlo Brno
Krzystof Garbaczewski / PL, theatre director and set desginer, with focus on VR Technology
Krzystof Garbaczewski / PL, theatre director and set desginer, with focus on VR Technology
Ondřej Škrabal / CZ, writer and theatre director
Ondřej Škrabal / CZ, writer and theatre director
• Webinars will take place on the ZOOM platform; it is not necessary to download the application in advance.
• Register for the webinar here.
• Register for the webinar here.