Eva Stehlíková
Emeritus Professor
In her research she focused on Ancient Greek and Roman and Medieval theatre, intertextual relations (ancient traditions in literature, theatre and film), modern productions of ancient drama and the Czech theatre of the 1960s (Laterna Magika, Radok).
She studied Latin and Czech at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University. In 1969 she received a PhD in the field of Ancient Literature – Czech Literature at the same faculty for her thesis Antiquity in Czech Poetry and Drama after 1845. In 1994 she was awarded the degree of associate professor at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University for her thesis on Greek and Roman Theatre, in 1998 she was awarded the degree of professor for the field the Theory and History of Theatre.
From 1963 to 1966 she was a touring lecturer of Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University. From 1966 to 1997 she worked at the Centre for Classical Studies at the Czech Academy of Science, where she initiated the creation of the Database of Performances of Ancient Greek and Roman Drama (now www.olympos.cz). From 1994 to 2016 she was a teacher at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University, except for 1998–2006 when she also lectured about ancient theatre at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University.
She considered the theatre of the 1960s her hobby (ed. Alfréd Radok between film and theatre, 2007) and research everything that exceeds the borders of theatre. She translated mostly when she was commissioned to, first with Karel Hubka (Menandros, Hrotsvita), later alone (Plautus, Seneca).
Out of all the roles she had performed during her career, she liked best the role of a teacher who had so clever students that they can do without her, and the role of a spectator who does not have to write anything about a wonderful production.
Significant publications: Řecké divadlo klasické doby (Greek Theatre of the Classical Period, 1991), Římské divadlo (Roman Theatre, 1993), Antické divadlo (2005, English translation: Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre 2014), A co když je to divadlo? (And what if it´s theatre? 1998), Divadlo za časů Nerona a Seneky (Theatre at the time of Nero and Seneca, 2006), Vetera et nova (2014).
Eva Stehlíková died in 2019.

STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. A co když je to divadlo?: několikero zastavení nad středověkým latinským dramatem. Praha: Divadelní ústav, 1998. ISBN 80-7008-069-8.
STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. Alfréd Radok mezi filmem a divadlem. Praha: Akademie múzických umění, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7004-134-5.
STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. Ancient Greek and Roman theatre. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014. ISBN 978-80-210-7037-0.
STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. Antické divadlo. Praha: Karolinum, 2005. ISBN 80-246-1105-8.
STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. Co je nám po Hekubě. Praha: Brkola, 2012. ISBN 978-80-905152-6-0.
STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. Divadlo za časů Nerona a Seneky. Praha: Divadelní ústav, 2005. Světové divadlo. ISBN 80-7008-185-6.
STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. Římské divadlo. Praha: KLP-Koniasch Latin Press, 1993. ISBN 80-901508-2-9.