Musical Theatre

Research into musical theatre at the Department of Theatre Studies primarily focuses on the history and theory of opera directing and stage design. We examine opera from the theatrological perspective. Therefore we are interested in staging practice, especially within the Czech Republic and the former Czechoslovakia. We examine the theatre functions of all the components of opera, including music, stage design and directing dramaturgical potential.

Recently researchers´ interest in Czech and Czechoslovak musicals, their history and staging methods in the worldwide context has also appeared.

Research Focus and Methods

Our research in the area of music theatre thematically focuses on staging practice of opera at the State, now National Theatre in Brno and smaller related projects. We are engaged in  thinking about opera directing and its changes (e.g. O. Zítek, R. Walter, M. Wasserbauer, V. Věžník). We also focus on the specifics of opera stage design. In this respect we pay special attention to Richard Wagner´s music drama as a staging challenge.

In musicals we study Ivo Osolsobě´s legacy and we approach the musical as an object worthy of interdisciplinary research, which needs not only a theatrological but especially a sociological and cultural anthropological perspective.

Joining International Research

We try to connect our research into opera theatre of the 20th century in Brno with historiographical research into music theatre in Europe. Our project “The Generation of Miloš Wasserbauer and the Progressive Opera Dramaturgy in the State Theatre in Brno” also maps foreign activities of the Opera Ensemble of the State Theatre in Brno, especially in Italy, Germany, Austria and other countries.

Directing and stage-design concepts in productions of Richard Wagner´s works is studied as part of Euro-American staging practice.

Follow-up Courses

DVH060 Nibelungův prsten jako inscenační výzva

DVQ031 Opera on Stage: History of Scenography for Operatic Productions

DVBS18 Inscenování opery v Brně

připravujeme „Richard Wagner divadelník“


2015-2017 projekt GAČR: GA15–06548S „Generace režiséra Miloše Wasserbauera a progresivní dramaturgie v opeře Státního divadla v Brně“



HAVLÍČKOVÁ KYSOVÁ, Šárka a Helena SPURNÁ. Realismus hudebního divadla Waltera Felsensteina – pravda, nebo mýtus? Theatralia, Masarykova univerzita, 2017, roč. 20, č. 1, s. 88-121. ISSN 1803-845X. doi:10.5817/TY2017-1-6.

HAVLÍČKOVÁ KYSOVÁ, Šárka a Helena SPURNÁ. Dramaturgická východiska opery Státního divadla v Brně v době působení Václava Noska a Miloše Wasserbauera. Theatralia, Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016, roč. 19, č. 1, s. 212-227. ISSN 1803-845X. doi:10.5817/TY2016-1-11.

HAVLÍČKOVÁ KYSOVÁ, Šárka. Stage Metaphors in Verdi's Otello : Miloš Wasserbauer's State Theatre Production (Brno 1967 in the Context of Otello's Staging Tradition. Theatralia, Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016, roč. 19, č. 2, s. 29-58. ISSN 1803-845X. doi:10.5817/TY2016-2-2.

HAVLÍČKOVÁ, Margita. Městské operní Divadlo V taverně na Horním trhu v Brně a jeho stavba v roce 1733. In Brno v minulosti a dnes. Brno: Magistrát města Brna, Archiv města Brna, 2007. s. 85-110, 26 s. ISBN 978-80-86736-05-1.

Research in Progress - Students

Tereza Zálešáková, DiS.: Český muzikál po roce 1989 (disertační práce)

Olga Brzobohatá: Scénograf Christoph Weyers (diplomová práce)


Contact us

doc. Mgr. Šárka Havlíčková Kysová, Ph.D.


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