Early Theatre in the Czech Lands
Research into early theatre in the Czech Lands focuses on the theatre of the Early-Modern age and the 19th century in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, with prevailing emphasis on the last two regions. Research tries to map so far unprocessed areas of our theatre history. It focuses on Czech and German theatres in our lands, both permanent and travelling theatre companies.
Research Focus and Methods
Research of early theatre in the Czech Lands is mainly based on heuristic work (Moravian Archive, Moravian Museum, Theatre Department of the National Theatre, State regional archives, municipal archives and others). The aim of research is to fill in gaps in our theatre history and complete publications that have already been released.
Defended Theses
Mgr. Miroslav Lukáš, Ph.D. Theatre in Mikulov during the Era of the Dietrichstein Family (from the end of the 16th century to the Second World War), Divadlo v Mikulově za éry rodu Dietrichsteinů (od konce 16. století do druhé světové války)
On-going Research - Students
Klára Škrobánková: Divadelní kultura Slezska v 17. a 18. století (Theatre Culture of Silesia in the 17th and 18th centuries)
Dominika Polášková: České kočovné divadelní společnosti na Moravě v 19. století (Czech Travelling Theatre Companies in Moravia in the 19th century)
Ilona Horváthová: Znojmo: divadelní křižovatka rakouských kočovníků v 17.-18. století (Znojmo: Theatre Crossroads of Austrian Strolling Players in the 17th and 18th centuries)